In this episode, the usual hosts welcome Susan Fernsebner for a broader discussion about digital humanities and teaching. We reminisce about what has worked well in the classroom, what needs some tweaking, “experiments” using digital methods, and how teaching itself has changed from all of it. We also talk specifically about what DH can bring to East Asian history classes. We hope you enjoy the discussion as much as we did!
Links mentioned and other relevant links:
– Susan Fernsebner’s website and gulou tumblr.
– Taiping Civil War – Student site designed in Susan’s introductory History methods course.
– “Reworking the Methods Course” – Susan Fernsebner’s blog post on the Taiping Civil War course’s digital project as curriculum.
–“Mapping the Taiping Civil War” – blog post by Ryan Brazell about the site (Academic Technology Consultant, University of Richmond).
– Jeffrey McClurken’s Digital Liberal Arts Workshop Links & Resources and his website. McClurken is Professor of History and American Studies & Special Assistant to the Provost for Teaching, Technology, and Innovation at the University of Mary Washington — see his site for Digital Humanities Workshop Links (page listing tools, sample projects, articles and surveys related to curriculum development, collaboration, and more).
– University of Mary Washington’s Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies Blog – Great starting place for innovative conversations on digital pedagogy, online community, tools and resources, and more…
– Zach Whalen is a specialist in digital studies at UMW (research in video game history, platform studies, creative coding, and comics). Great work in teaching utilizing both visual and textual projects that intersect with the digital — e.g. twitterbots that utilize text and poetry in new ways, tumblr sites that explore visuality, bringing new insights gained through the digital lens (and slicing things in news ways with the help of code) to everything from House of Leaves (Mark Danielewski) to Top Gun.
– Digital literacy conversation: New Media Consortium’s Strategic Brief on Digital Literacy. See, for background: Bryan Alexander and a valuable critical perspective – “On digital literacies” by Maha Bali and Lee Skallerup-Bessette.